What are the frame dimensions?

Follow the handy guide below to measure your glasses and make shopping easy!
If the numbers are 60-17-140, your frame dimensions are:
60mm lens wide
17mm bridge width
140mm arm length
Follow our guide below to measure the most important dimension - the frame width and ensure your glasses are the right size for your face.


- You have a leeway of 2-3 mm on each measurement, except for the bridge. Stick to a leeway of just 2 mm on the bridge.

- The most important dimension -- the frame width -- will not be printed on the temple arm. Follow our guide below to measure the frame width and ensure your new glasses are the right size for your face.

- You're ahead of the game if you already have a pair of eyeglasses that fits you well. Your glasses may have numbers, which indicate three frame dimensions, printed on the inside of the temple arm.

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